Monday, 24 June 2013

28mm Front Rank Westphalian Line Infantry.

With the final line battalion now complete, I am working my way through the single light battalion I still have to paint.
I must admit that I am getting a bit Napoleoned out now, lol.

The new additions

The Line Brigade.
I colour coded these with different tufts.
One unit has standard tufts, another has white flowers and the third has yellow flowers.
A subtle way of being able to distinguish between each unit.
Next up will be some more WotR and some AW Rangers.


  1. Well done. Those look impressive. I get burned out whenever I focus on one period or side for an extended period of time. Good job sticking it out.

  2. That's a good bunch of Westphalians. I have plans for a few units of them myself. I completely understand how you feel about painted too many Napoleonics.

  3. very impressive work and very prolific great stuff Kev

  4. Nice!

    That reminds me, I'm hoping to get back to my Napoleonic German project after our Borodino big-bash.

  5. Cheers Guys.
    I must admit, I have painted a lot of Naps over the last three years.
    I have only the Light Infantry to finish now, as Loki points out.
    I am enjoying the War of the Roses though.
    The FIW is also something different for a change and I'm really enjoying those.

  6. Late toe party, as usual... Lovely work on these, Kev. I really like your simple idea of the use of grass/flowers to easily differentiate battalions - good thinking there!

  7. Hi Kev, I would like to use your top picture of the Westphalians for an army list for Lasalle rules. You will be credited with the picture.
