Thursday, 20 June 2013

28mm War of the Roses Artillery, Duke of Clarence Gun and Crew

More WotR.
28mm Perry's, loveliness.
I did this on a special Sabot tray from Warbases.
The crew can be placed anywhere on the tray to create many different effects.
I also added a powder barrel and some balls on a separate round.
Overall quite a nice effect.
Painted as they are from the retinue of the Duke of Clarence (Yorkists), with the Bull livery.
Once again the livery is hand painted as I still cannot get the decals to stick.

Overall a very nice effect I think.

I will be doing this with all the guns and maybe a few extra little touches to complement the battlefield.

Next up are 28mm AW Miniatures British for the FIW.
Followed by 28mm Front Rank Westphalians, the last line Battalion.


  1. great work Kev, love the idea of the base

  2. Beautiful painting, Kev. Sorry for this very late comment, but I am scouring the 'net for images of livery badges - I just rec'd some from Citadel and found them too much trouble for the effort. Your hand-painted badges are amazing! Best, Dean
