Wednesday, 31 July 2013

28mm AW Miniatures Rangers part one.

Here are the first four of the Rangers force I am painting for Andrew at AW Miniatures.
These are truly beautiful figures to paint, with lots of little details that just make them stand out from the other 28's on the market.
The entire force will be based by Loki when completed.
Sorry for the picture quality.
James over at Exiles gave me a lovely camera to replace my ancient Sony, Many thanks James.
I'm still trying to figure out how it works.

I painted these as the classic Rogers Rangers with the green facings.
Hopefully some better pics when I become adept with the new Fuji.


  1. Lovely figures. Nice work on the faces.

    1. Thanks Sean.
      Really enjoy painting these.

  2. Very nicely painted, animated, well shaded. I'd love to have the ability to paint this nicely.
