Sunday, 4 August 2013

28mm Foundry Napoleonic Early British Light Dragoons

A new addition to my own British Army for the 50% reduction "Black Powder" we are playing.
I have had these for ages and started painting them about 6 years ago.
I have done a very quick finish on them (not my best, but they will pass) and they will now appear on many a battlefield.
I have another six that are also part painted, that I will finish on a later day.


  1. I agree, they look nice. It also occurs to me that I have no idea what the basing scheme for Black Powder is.

    1. Thanks Sean.
      We are playing BP at a a 50% reduced scale.
      But not just for movement and weapon range.
      We have also reduced the size of the units to accommodate our smaller gaming areas.
      We now use a 40mm x 40mm for infantry.
      A British battalion is now 12 figures (3 bases of 4 figures) French are 16 figures (4 x bases of 4 figures). It really works well and we all doubled the size of our armies, haha.

  2. Cheers Buddy.
    Good to see you back on the brushes too.
