Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Disaster, Paint Spillage and of all the ~#><**^"! colours.

Had a little accident earlier with the only pot I had left of the Foundry Flesh 5B mid tone.
I never realised the bleedin pot had been knocked off my table and into the bin.
Upside down, lid open, of all the damn luck.
I fished it out and the paints gone.
I tried to add a little water and now its like p*ss.
I thought, "Great".
Thats £3.50 for a replacement with £4 postage from Foundry, a whopping £8.50 for a single pot of paint.
I thought let me see if any is on ebay, and yo and behold, Foundry are now selling their paint pallettes on eabay.
Loads of em.
£10 for the full tricolour pallette including first class postage.
Oh well, a lil break from the norm then, and going to paint a few Romans for HC as I,m using the old GW bronzed flesh for these lil buggers.


  1. Interesting news about the ebay option. Good ind.

  2. 'Ere, £3.50 + £4.00 = £7.50

    You're not an accountant by any chance?


  3. Romans should have a little suntan after all!

  4. at least it did not land unnoticed on the carpet :)
    looking forward to some HC pictures soon then
    Peace James

  5. That's a tough one. I think it would be the perfect time for a bulk order from Foundry, you know just to save on shipping costs.

  6. The Paint palette is enroute.
    Gary pointed out that I can't add up, nope.
    Still cheaper from ebay though.
