Wednesday, 30 October 2013

28mm War of the Roses, Duke of Clarence Billmen.

More WotR.
This time the Duke of Clarence's Bills.
28mm Perry Miniatures plastics.

All the Bull liveries are handpainted.
The livery banner is my own design (Paintshop).
I was thinking of adding a texture to the all the livery flags, I may still at a later date.

Painted to my Wargame's standard.

My Gaming buddy Glenn has some things Napoleonics on ebay and asked me to give him a plug on here.
here is a link to the first item he has listed,
There are many items, please have a look if you are looking for some Westphalians and some GW 40K stuff.
Fiasco was great, I'll cover that in my next post along with myself and Loki's SYW bashing tomorrow.