Tuesday, 1 October 2013

A Busy week off, Weddings and Shows

Sorry for the lack of Blogging activity.
Back to work today after a busy week off.
Charlie did not want to get up this morning, nor myself.
The week was productive, as we sorted many things out that we had put off for ages.
We were at my sister wedding renewal ceremony and reception on Saturday.
I went to the Derby/Donnington show on the Sunday with Andy (Loki).
It's a wonder I made it to the show as I had a bit too much booze on Saturday evening at the reception.
Andy was at mine for 7.15 am, ouch, and I dragged my hungover self off to the show.
My first time at the new venue (I missed last year) and all I can say is that I really preferred the university.
We arrived about an hour before the show opened to the public.
It was freezing and I had not brought a coat.
There I was shivering in a bloody T shirt, using my overpriced coffee as a hot water bottle.
It did warm up, at about the time the show went really quiet.
I heard mixed reviews from some of the traders.
Bumped into James and Tamsin, very briefly.
I spent most of my day with Warbases and AW Miniatures.
A good day for networking, picked up a couple of little jobs and although I was cold, I did enjoy the day.
A BIG thanks to Andy for the road trip and show, coffee breaks and spillages (LOL).
To Martin at Warbases, who's product range just keeps getting better and better, and to Andrew at AW for some nice comments about my painting and a damn fine natter about everything wargaming.
Now to paint some more Billmen and Archers for WotR and finish my mini Hillfort that I started when I was supposed to be on a holiday with Charlie, ooooops!


  1. It was nice to meet you Kev. From the sounds of things it's difficult to tell who was in the worse state - you with your hangover or Andy with the after-effects of over-indulging at the carvery ;)

    1. It was nice to meet up at Last Tamsin.

  2. Glad to hear it wasn't too bad a time!
