Thursday, 12 December 2013

28mm War of the Roses, Duke of Exeter's Billmen.

I know it's been a while since my last post, but with all this Christmas malarky, I have been a tad busy.
More WotR Billmen.
This time it's Exeter's Billmen.
Once again these are the lovely 28mm Perry plastic's.
I am coming to the end of the WotR painting.
I will be taking some pics when all completed and arrayed for battle.

I was going to start Exeter's Retinue bow this week, but with the challenge looming and busy with work and Christmas, I decided to do some prepping instead.
I did pop a few pics of the Crusader prepping on Facebook.
I now have a load of Crusaders and bowmen ready to start for the challenge.
The vikings I get on Christmas day and cannot wait to get my hands on those lil beauties.

I have had plenty of comments on here about my Jacobites.
They will be for sale very soon as I am replacing the 28mm collection with a 15mm collection.
Anybody interested, please let me know.

Brushes at the ready everyone, the Challenge start date grows ever nearer.


  1. Good looking billmen. I especially like your treatment of the steel bits on plastics.

  2. Great looking unit looking forwar to seeing the army in full
    Peace James

  3. Very very nice work on the billmen Kev!

  4. These billmen are wonderful, I don't like to paint the pants, and you did a great work with them...beautiful unit!

  5. I am liking the look of these a lot Kev
