Friday, 24 January 2014

More Challenge Entries

Well!, I'm sitting in second spot at the mo.
It won't last long, just waiting for Kent to post.
Here are my recent Challenge entries.

These are all 1/72 (20mm) and come from my current projects.

Roman Auxilliary Infantry

Roman Auxilliary Light Cavalry

Crusader Flemish Infantry

Crusader Divisional Commander

Saracen City Militia.
 My Vehicle Bonus Round entry was A Crusader Transport Vehicle (Plague Cart) that will be part of my Crusader Baggage train.

Bring out your Dead!


  1. Great looking units, love the Saracen and the cart!

  2. It Sure is Buddy, plenty of gamin choice, with a different set of bloody rules.

  3. Great work Kev! Really like the Crusader command!

  4. Fantastic painting. Never seen 1/72 plastics looking so good.

  5. Excellent work Kev, love the city militia!
