Sunday, 20 April 2014

A BIG thankyou.

Shineyitus has arrived.
The doorbell rang and my lovely wife signed for a delivery for me.
My Analogue Hobbies 4th Painting Challenge prize had arrived.
I had second choice of the prizes, Andy had chose "Fife & Drum" that left me either Westfalia or Orinoco to choose from.
I decided on Westfalia as I really love the diverse Napoleonics they do.
I spoke to Kawe and made my choices, they arrived yesterday, safe and sound.

Wow, what a great looking lot.
I chose,
The rather rude Highlanders showing their bits and the equally rude British, giving a very British gesture.
The British and French casualty sets.
A Saxon artillery crew and rather nice lady with a musket.
I am going to use these as some nice little table additions for our Naps games.

I must say they the castings are excellent, crisp, clear and superb sculpts.
These will be a joy to assemble and paint.
A big THANKS to Kawe and everyone at Westfalia, to Curt for his superb running of a very enjoyable Challenge.
To all the fellow Challengers, Manufactures who submitted prizes and to the general wargaming blogosphere.
Respect to you all.  


  1. Nice looking bit of kit. I'm going to go check out those civilian models to see how compatible with other periods they are.

  2. Very nice figures Kev - they should be fun to paint up

  3. Some cracking figs there, look forward to seeing them done...

    Well done to Kawe for providing the prizes

  4. Looking forward to seeing these painted chap and a great prize to boot

  5. Wonderfully crisp looking casts. Kawe sure knows how to crack out a classy figure.

  6. A good choice. Kevin. Those Westfalia minis are excellent.

    Have fun with them !

