Monday, 21 July 2014

Man Cave Re-Shuffle, Part 1

The re-decorating, organising and general re-vamp of my man cave is going ahead at warp speed now.
I am so happy after a week of been without my workroom.
I knew this was going to be a bit of a chore, but like Andy's room, it was in dire need of sorting out.
Stripping everything out took ages and the spare room looks like chaos at the moment.
But the painting is done and some of the furniture has gone back into it's place.

Andy will be here later today as we start on the shelving for the main wall above my workbench.

Andy's old paint rack, now kindly donated to myself, has now been fixed in place.

Starting to re-arrange my rear wall with units for my books and storage.

Getting there...

Rear wall completed, plenty of storage.
Very happy with this.
Now for the fun part, racking and heavy duty shelving for the mass of Osprey's, tools and a mega drawer system.
This will need to be well fixed and solid.
Cannot wait to get back to work in there.

We are also adding some extra shelving to the games room over the next couple of days.
Busy, busy, busy.


  1. All these people sorting out their man caves isn't good for me ~ my own is in a right old state, and the guilt of seeing clean, tidy and well organised working conditions is almost too much for me ... I might just have to get out the hoover, Aargh!

    Looking good, and looking forward to seeing the progression.

  2. Very organized and efficient space - well done. The big question is how long can you fight against the forces of nature that want to render any Miniatures Man Cave into a disorganized state of chaos? - good luck fighting the natural order of work benches!

    1. I know what you mean
      Going to try very hard to keep organised this time.
      Really I will

  3. Now that's what I need - a bit of PROPER organisation.

    Looking exceedingly promising, Kev, I'm stricken with severe shelf envy!

    1. You should see It now Evan.
      Pics soon

  4. It's lookin great now bud
