Sunday, 10 August 2014

Announcing "Wargame Bloggers Quarterly"

The Wargame Bloggers Quarterly (WBQ)is a FREE community driven
electronic magazine (PDF e-Zine) composed of the best wargames and
miniature painting content from the collective blogosphere.

The purpose of the WBQ is to help promote wargaming and miniature
painting and ensure that the best material generated by participants in 
the hobby is available to the wider community in the long term.

Any individual is free to submit content to WBQ for publication. Submissions
may not have been published in any other e-Zine, printed magazine or other 
publication to prevent copyright infringement (with the exception of the author’s 
own personal blog). 
All content remains the copyright of the author at all times and will be fully 
credited upon publication.

If you want to know more about WBQ you can read our
charter here [] or you can contact the current Editor-in-Chief 
via email on

Download your copy of WBQ Issue One here [].

Important: WBQ is specially designed for tablet and/or PC viewing and 
contains high-resolution images and other content that look great when 
zoomed in or viewed full page. Make sure you download your copy rather 
than view it online to get the very best experience!


  1. What a great publication! Well to done to all responsible for the first issue!

  2. Just think of it as "well prepared" lads :-)

  3. That's a really cool idea. Many thanks for the hint, Kev!
