Monday, 7 March 2016

My 1st show of 2016, Hammerhead in Newark

What a superb show again.
Myself, Andy (Loki) and Glenn had a great day.
Hammerhead, run by Kallistra is in it's 2nd year at the George Stephenson building at the Newark showground.
A good sized venue with all amenities, plenty of space and great lighting.

Parking is free and right outside the venue.

Once we had concluded our usual business, it was time to enjoy the show.
We had a great time, spent a bit, got a good few bargains and increased the collections yet again.
The show was still buzzing and very busy when we left at 3pm.
Every game at Hammerhead is a participation game and the mix of Traders is superb.
I know there is a limit on the traders as not to swamp the main emphasis of the show that is "Gaming".
I think Kallistra have really hit the nail on the head with this format.
No demo games where things may look nice, but never move.
With people crouched over the table and ignoring the rest of the world that is milling around them.
The Bring and buy has also gone.
As you may know, the B&B is a bit of a "don't mention it" to me.
I hate the fact that most are run by traders who in reality should have a trade stand.
You have the farce of booking it in and having to keep checking if its sold.
You cannot negotiate with a buyer or seller as they are not there.
The table top sale is a fantastic idea.
You hire a table for an hour or longer to sell your stuff.
Easy for the organisers as they only need one person there to book people in.
You then get your stuff out and sell it.
You are also there when people want to negotiate on the prices or do deals.
A great format and well done Hammerhead.

This is how shows should be.
If you wasn't there, you missed a real little belter of a show.
See you next March....

Big thanks to Andy for driving and picking up Battle Cry off the TTS. Glenn for making us laugh so much with his WW2 purchases.
To all the gamers who put up with us (lol).
and finally to Paul & Sally (Kallistra) and all who made Hammerhead such a great show.

Here are a few pics courtesy of Roy Williamson & Kevin Tingle as I only took the one pic and its the 1st one of  Pete Barfield and Loki (the new Chuckle Bros) lmfao...

To me, to you, to me..

Kevin Tingle & his Participation Game

Trevor Allen hard at it

Loki and Coffee

Myself with Loki and my Coffee


  1. Seems to be a fantastic place, looks awesome!

  2. Looks great. My local show has a strict division between bring&buy and "business" sales. I think the sneaky traders trying to book a place among private salesmen would be banned, but it's obviously organized this way because someone at some point did it.

  3. Great to meet up with you on the day, Kevin.
    It certainly was a belter of a show.

  4. Love seeing the participation games. Over here in the states all convention games are participation games. There are very few if any demo games.

  5. Cheers guys.
    It's been a great show for 3 years now.
    May it continue so for many years

  6. Cheers guys.
    It's been a great show for 3 years now.
    May it continue so for many years

  7. Looks like a great show indeed! Love that middle east table the most!
    Thanks for sharing these pictures!

