Saturday, 9 July 2016

A Very busy workbench, but still manage the odd game or two.

Hello everyone
Sorry it has been so long, but I just don't seem to have time to update this on a regular basis.
Just never enough hours in the day.
Anyhows, what have I been up to.
Well! any of you who follow the Brigantes Studio blog will see that myself and Andy are pulled out with the workloads we have.
Which to be honest has not let much time for the hobby.
We still game most Thursdays although Andy has missed a few and I have also had the cancel the game due to my head being all over the place.
But we try and make the Thursday evenings game a bit of respite from the rest of the industry we are involved in.
I would love to get some time to do some hobby stuff of my own, but a busy schedule and my limited work time mean that will have to take a back seat for now.
Although I may get my BA Chindits done in the near future, (haha Get ready Glenn).
A few pics of some fairly recent games.

We still play and enjoy "Bolt Action" for WW2 & by converting our Rapid Fire armies to BA we have built up quite a collection.

We still love Battle Cry for ACW, myself  and Andy play this fairly often.
I also play this with my boys quite a bit and they both love it.

We play quite a lot of Commands & Colours.
Ancients & Napoleonics.
I have also adapted the rules to the Medieval period and the Linear Period.

I still love the Hexon terrain system.
It is so versatile and durable.
Having a full green and Arid set is really useful and it works brilliantly for Commands & Colours

A few pics above from Thursdays SYW game.
A sort of mix between CaC and Black Powder, It played very well indeed.
A couple of tweaks were needed and now we have a very quick play wargame with a real period feel to it.
Linear warfare can be tricky but this was spot on
Myself and Glenn had the Austrian Army (I had the bloody Reichsarmee)
Andy (Loki) had the Prussians.
It was a very close run game with Andy nicking a fine victory at the end with some great moves.

So what next?
Well Brigantes is mental at the moment.
All effort is going in to getting through a massive workload.
Still will be gaming though.
As for blogging, I know I have said before that I will try to Blog more.
But to be honest, it's not really going to happen.
Not until I get more time that is.
But I do get time for Facebook and regular updates appear on there as it it easier and I can do it on my phone.
So if you aint found me on FB, please look.
Keep checking the Brigantes Blog for some superb painting and my latest attempts at sculpting.
Be safe everone.
Thanks for looking

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