Wednesday, 19 February 2014

More Recent Challenge Entries

First up are more Saracens (Ayubids)
These are the Egyptian Mob.
Not that good in the HC rules, but we should have some.
1/72 HaT miniatures.
They are actually from the El Cid range and are mostly Almoravids.
They do make nice Saracens though.

Then followed up with my First fully painted 15mm ECW Regiment.
The Kings Lifeguard of Foot, for BP Pike & Shotte.
These I got from Tink, a nice swap for some 28mm FiW.
Not sure of the make though, if anyone recognises them, please let me know.

The extra base length on the pike block is for the push of pike.
Some of the units in the army I purchased at Christmas have lowered pike.
This just keeps everything the same and lets the shotte form up on the pike into a Hedgehog formation.


  1. Excellent paintjob with the Ayubids!

  2. Fantastic brushwork on both! Can't decide which I like better.

  3. Loved these on the challenge blog. They look just as good here!

  4. Great looking couple of units Kev! Very nice work!

  5. Thanks for the lovely comments Guys.
    I really am enjoying the Crusades.
    I really think the high contrast style works with the smaller scales.
    I know it would not work on 28mm but at 1/72 or less I think it makes the figures pop on the table.
    I can easily see them now with my poor eyesight when gaming.

  6. Hola
    Muy buen trabajo con esas minis
    Un Saludo
