Sunday, 2 March 2014

A bit more of a Challenge

I have been so busy with Sculpting and deadlines that I really have not had much time for painting recently.
That has now changed as the Sculpts are done and this leaves me the last couple of weeks of the challenge to rattle the brushes.

My recent entries have been small and mostly stick with the crusades theme (with a bit of ECW).

First up are a Crusader mixed rank warrior unit.
Non military order.
Medium Infantry with Hand weapons/Bows for "Hail Caesar"

Then Followed by another ECW command.
This time it "The Earl of Essex".
A nice opposition to the Charles I command set I did earlier and a nice addition to the growing ECW collection
Hand painted Commonwealth Flag.
I really hate how Essex Miniatures sculpt the flag onto the figure.
It makes it nigh on impossible to remove and replace with a paper flag.

and Finally the last bonus round entry.
I decided on another Crusade themed piece.
Curt aptly named this "The Price of a Crusade"
These form the final part of my Crusader baggage train.

all figures are 1/72 Strelets (with an Accurate horse)

Next up will be a report on the Hammerhead Show in Newark.


  1. Excellent paintjob, love the colors and the basement...great looking cart too!

  2. Nice work on all these figures. Your casualty entry really stands out to me.
