Tuesday, 18 March 2014

American War of Independence, George Washington Command Stand

The first of my 15mm AWI.
This was my favorite character bonus round entry for the challenge.
The AWI is a work in progress for me that I will be working on this year.
The units will be based the same as the SYW units and will be used for "Black Powder".

I decided, once again to start with a Commander. I always like to do this as it sort of sets the standard for the army.

15mm Lancashire Games Miniatures.
More to follow as they progress.


  1. I like them! Do you know if Lancashire would fit with Freikorps' AWI range?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, not to sure about the fit with the Freikorps though.
      The Lancs Games figures are quite tall for 15mm.
      Having just measured one, they are about 17mm to the eye.

  2. Fantastic - thanks for sharing.
