Friday, 21 March 2014

I finished on a HIGH as the 4th Challenge came to a conclusion.

The Analogue Hobbies 4th Annual Painting Challenge is over.
What a 3 months.
I was lucky enough to improve on last years 3rd place with a respectable 2nd this year.
Runner up to Andy (A well deserved winner, as I know how much time he spent painting)
It was a close run thing to the end between myself and Dave D.
My Saracens pipped him to the post though.
Curt has done an amazing job this year with the challenge.
The bonus rounds and the sheer amount of workload for him was jaw dropping.
Massive respect Curt and bloody well done that man.
A big hands together also to all who took part and made this something special.

Here are my Final Entries.

15mm AWI Limbers and Brigade Command

1/72 HaT, Saracen Light Infantry Bow 2

1/72 HaT, Saracen Light Infantry Bow 3

1/72 Italeri, Saracen Camel Cavalry with Bows

1/72 Strelets, Saracen Division Commanders

1/72 HaT, Saracen Ghazi Warband 2

1/72 Strelets, Mamluk Cavalry with Bows

1/72 Strelets, Mamluk Cavalry with Spears

1/72 HaT, Saracen Skirmishers with Javelins

The Saracen Entry in all it's glory.

1/72 Strelets, Turk Cavalry with Spears

28mm WotR, "Where's Pat" Last Stand bonus round entry.

What's next........
A big change for myself is about to happen.
It will mean another lifestyle change as I will be going back to the realms of a self employed Miniature painter and sculpter (hopefully).

The Blog will be having a massive overhaul as things move forward over the next few weeks.


  1. A superb performance in the Challenge - I was very impressed with the quality of painting, which never declined over the course of the event. Very well done!

  2. a superb effort there Kev.. well done and good luck with the forthcoming changes

  3. You had an amazing challenge Kev. Congrats on the 2nd place :)

  4. Well done Kev, great work as always!

  5. Great work, love the Saracen troops!

  6. Congrats Kev!! Very well done.

  7. Well done Kev. The way you paint really makes the figs shine and your Saracens were something I looked for every time you posted.

  8. A great effort Kev, a well deserved 2nd place, I thought Dave had you pipped for awhile. Well there's only one place for you in the next Challenge.....onwards and upwards!!

  9. You created some stunning pieces throughout the challenge!

  10. Big Thanks everybody.
    Yep, it was a close run thing for me and Dave.
    We were never going to catch Andy though and yes, he does get the bragging rights for a year, lol.
    He does deserve them though, as I know how much time he put in.
